Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Battle Report: Korvac VS Mazahs!


* 210 points

* AvAs Korvac

* JLTW Mazahs!

* The Street Battle map from the AVENGERS FCBD starter set and five papercraft cars as heavy objects.


Korvac rolls for initiative and simply teleports himself to the middle of the map, just out of Mazahs's range.

Mazahs then Hypersonic Speeds beside Korvac to hit him for 5 damage.

It activates Korvac's stopclick.

Mazahs then rolls for breakaway and succeeds and moves away from Korvac.

Korvac's stopclick grants him the Power Cosmic, Pulse Wave, and Probability Control. He decides to stay put in the middle of the map and pushes to Pulse Wave away at Mazahs for 5 damage. It settles on Mazahs's own special Pulse Wave click.

Mazahs decides to push himself to Pulse Wave Korvac, so he runshoots for closer range then rolls for Pulse Wave. Needing a 9, he rolls a 10, but Korvac Probs it and Mazahs misses on the second roll.

Both are forced to clear. Then Korvac winds up his Pulse Wave and hits Mazahs full force on the face, obliterating him to nowhere with 5 damage.


Korvac! A more well-rounded figure with better dial stats overall compared to Mazahs's steep fall after the first four clicks. Korvac's surprise Power Cosmic proved to be very helpful, too. Mazahs starts out strong, stronger than Korvac, but Korvac's stats rise as the fig reaches cosmic enlightenment (as per the comic book storyline). One thing that needs remembering about Korvac, though: despite being one of the bigger single-base figs in the game, he's actually just normal sized.

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