Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Battle Report: John Constantine, Nick Necro, and Tim Hunter with Pandora's Box VS Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, and Trick Shot with Manifold, Justice, and Rick Jones as ID cavalry

* 300 points

* JLTW's Constanine, Necro, and Hunter with full Pandora's Box for 299 points

* AvAs's Hawkeye, K. Bishop, and Trick Shot with Manifold, Justice, and Rick Jones IDs on the sidelines for 290 points

* The Street Battle map from the Avengers FCBD starter kit


The archers roll for initiative and Bishop calls on Manifold for his +3 Speed, giving Trick Shot 11 Speed and Hawkeye 12 Speed. Trick Shot then runshoots for Constantine. Constantine forces Trick Shot to reroll his attacks twice, but they always hit. Constantine takes 3 Damage. Hawkeye then follows it up and runshoots Constantine for 3 Damage and a Crit Hit, killing him.

Hawkeye declares Energy Explosion and deals 2 Damage to Nick Necro and Tim Hunter. Hunter takes the damage, then Necro Masterminds 1 more damage to Hunter, pushing him to his magus click. Necro takes 1 damage. Both Hawkeye and Trick Shot take Mystics Damage.

Necro takes the Sloth sin, then Hunter runshoots and Pulse Waves Hawkeye for full-force 5 damage, killing him. Necro declares Trick Shot as his nemesis, then Outwits Trick Shot's Damage white power.

Manifold leaves the map. Bishop pushes herself and moves beside Trick Shot to muck up Hunter's full-force Pulse Wave. Trick Shot clears.

Hunter runshoots just far enough to Pulse Wave Bishop full-force for 5 damage. It hits and kills her instantly. Necro Outwits Trick Shot's Damage power again.

Trick Shot then aims for Hunter, rolls 8s twice and shoots Hunter straight through the heart, killing him.

Necro Outwits Trick Shot's ESD then shoots him with a Psychic Blast, damaging Trick Shot 2 clicks. Trick Shot then pushes himself to shoot Necro, but it doesn't hit. Necro pushes himself and shoots Trick Shot again with a Psychic Blast, and it finally kills him.


Seeing how effectively offensive Hawkeye, Bishop, and Trick Shot are, it's quite a surprise how systematically they were wiped out by Hunter and Necro, despite Constantine dying in the first turn, despite not having used the Box effectively.

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