Friday, July 3, 2015

Battle Report Short #007

Classic Avengers VS two Ant-Men, Victor Mancha, and the Protector. Both teams are Avengers keyworded, but the Protector has Prob for around four of his clicks. The Ant-Men are a boon at prepping a killbox with their Pym Particles power to resize friendlies. All figs have Sidestep, and when resized, all figs can have +1 for the Defense for ranged attacks.

Captain America has a very good special power where he gives Avengers-keyworded friendlies a free move action, so when his teammates have Charge or Running Shot, that's a potential free attack move on top of another attack move.

Protector rolled a couple of crithits against Captain America, killing him in two turns, but Iron Man and Hulk laid waste to Mancha and the Ant-Men. Protector tried his best out-moving Iron Man and Hulk, but Iron Man called for back-up twice - one for Nova's special Pulse Wave, then another for Classic Iron Man's Running Shot+Penetrating/Psychic Blast. Both teams performed well, but one was just a bit tougher than the other.

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