* 300 points
* My team: ROGUES Fast Forces Pied Piper and Mirror Master sharing the SUICIDE SQUAD TA, with CRIME SYNDICATE Fast Forces Deathstorm, and about a dozen rats
* Opponent: WINTER SOLDIER gravfeed Captain America and Falcon and DEADPOOL booster GW Bridge
Keystone City map from FLASH OP kit
SHIELD rolled for initiative and moved about eight squares from their starting area, adjacent a building and behind some cars. Pied Piper rolled out four rats and Mirror Master transported PP and two rats adjacent another building almost opposite SHIELD. Deathstorm flew to the top of a building overlooking the middle of the map and Perplexed PP's defense +2, which PP also Perplexed +1, raising it to 20.
GW Bridge moved to the top of a car for placement then Outwitted one of PP's rats. Cap and Falcon cleared. Possessing Willpower, PP spawned two more rats. Deathstorm then Perplexed Bridge's defense down to 14 then two rats Charged Bridge for one damage each, both hitting. Mirror Master and Deathstorm both cleared.
Falcon rolled for breakaway then Sidestepped while Carrying Bridge from the rats. Cap Sidestepped then threw his shield at the two rats, killing both instantly.
Mirror Master then transported PP and two rats to the car opposite Cap. Deathstorm then ran and shot Cap for four damage, hitting. PP then cleared.
Falcon Sidestepped to place himself between Bridge and Cap to grant Enhancement. GW tried shooting the rats but Mirror Master Probbed the effort.
PP then spawned two more rats. Deathstorm Perplexed down GW's Defense once again then PP sicced two rats at him, killing him. Cap then threw his shield at Deathstorm, hitting him for one damage. Falcon then cleared.
MM then transported PP to a vantage point overlooking Cap. Deathstorm gambled and shot Cap for three damage. Falcon Sidestepped to prep to shoot PP and his rats with Energy Explosion. Cap attempted to throw his shield at Deathstorm, but he missed.
PP spawned two more rats, then MM and Deathstorm simply cleared. Falcon shoots one rat with Energy Explosion, succeeding, hitting one more rat, PP, and MM. As the two rats die, the SUICIDE SQUAD TA activates, then PP rolled for four clicks of life, then MM rolled for two clicks of life. Cap clears.
PP then spawns two more rats and attacks Cap with one of them, finally killing Cap. Falcon then moves into position along PP's flank to hit him with Energy Explosion, but then realised its futility thanks to the SUICIDE SQUAD TA, so he surrenders.
Pied Piper, Mirror Master, Deathstorm, and the dozen or so rats that killed both GW Bridge and Captain America. With these two and the X-Men Blue Team teambase, the rats are proving themselves to be quite the MVPs!
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