* 300 points
* My team: two STAR Labs Researchers, Vibe, and Barry Allen Flash from the gravity feed
The Inhumans just Perplexed each other then cleared. Vibe positioned himself closer to the fight to affect his opponents with the double power action token power. Flash and the researchers then just cleared themselves.
Gorgon then positioned himself overlooking Vibe to ready for his special Charge. Black Bolt retaliated against Flash, hitting. Magnus then released an Alpha Primitive, who then walked up to Vibe with his free move action and Charged, hitting Vibe and basing him.
One STAR Lab researcher Sidestepped to Flash and declared Defend, reducing Flash's Defense to 14, then rolled for Support. It hits and heals Flash of four clicks. The other researcher TKs Flash back to the fray, Flash then Hypersonic Speeds to Magnus, hitting him for two Damage. Flash rolls for Breakaway but fails. Flash then Outwits Bolt's Leadership, then Vibe clears.
Gorgon attacks Vibe, killing him. Maximus Outwits Flash's Outwit, then produces another Alpha Primitive.
Flash pushes to hit Black Bolt but fails. The two STAR Labs Reaserchers Sidestep to position. The Inhumans crowd on Flash and hit him, methodically Perplexing each other's Attacks and Damages. It kills him.
One STAR Labs Researcher Sidestepped and attacked one Alpha Primitive, missing. The other STAR Labs Researcher pushed herself and tried TKing a light object, but fails. Gorgon and the Alpha Primitive make mincemeat out of the two.
The Inhumans won over my team. The STAR Labs Researchers have potential to be really good placement and support pieces with their Telekinesis and Support, arguably a bit better than Moira thanks to the TK. Vibe proves once again to be a potentially really good placement and support piece, able to handle himself at melee conditions. Sadly, the dice weren't too generous to me this game, and I consistently rolled really really low. The Barry Allen Flash needs replacing, I think. His 149 points for 2 Damage in the current setup of a lot of figs with damage reducers that reduce damage by 2 remains to be too high for too small returns. I'll probably do better with someone from the Crime Syndicate or WOL, real bruisers with more than 2 Davage, who have actual damage reducers and not just evasion. Still, a very good learning game.
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