This is going to be brief: it was a fun game that went on for two hours, but we both did a number of mistakes in our gameplay, so it's not worth recounting in detail.

What's worth mentioning, though, is that the Pandora's Box is a pretty good support resource to round up figs that lack some certain powers and abilities to make them more viable for strategic things, all the while remaining reasonable and not abusive. The Sins themselves grant Sinners mainly placement bonuses - Combat Reflexes or Energy Shield/Deflection rounded off with Sidestep, with some Plasticity - while the dial granting only one other bonus power or ability - Probability Control, Phasing/Teleport, Running Shot. A good majority of the game is played with only two or three bonuses per fig - Sidestep, CR or ESD, then whatever power is activated in the dial - with no plusses on the combat ability values, up until you reach the end dial, something you'll only achieve if you fulfill certain conditions. I really really really like this resource. It appeals to how I play the game.

The Cosmic Treadmill, too, is a pretty good strategic addition. With its special Leadership power (all friendlies in the map clear one action token) and extra Probability Control, it's kinda like having an extra ATA for your whole team, and used well (and correctly) will give the player placement and attack advantage (but not to the point of unfairness). The main trick is to use it after you've given everyone their actions. If used well, you wouldn't have to push your figs at any turn, and you'll arguably have the option to do one or two extra actions every turn. Worth remembering is that the Cosmic Treadmill is not a resource nor a relic, but a 3D object, which means you can have this while having a Pandora's Box or a Sloth relic. This also means that even your opponent can use the Treadmill for its game advantages.

The MVP from my team was Firestorm, with his damage reducer trait (you ignore all damages from figs tapping a resource or relic when you roll 4-6, and only take one penetrating damage when you roll 1-3) more or less making him a pretty good sponge. If he has extra Damage powers like Combat Reflexes or Shape Change or Super Senses, he's going to be annoying quite a number of players. I think we'll be seeing him being used in some melee capacity in tourneys, likely with a power battery (maybe Star Sapphires' battery for the Shape Change, or the Red one with Decoy for the Giant Reach and Poison and Shape Change?). Tie-up potential for resource-and relic-heavy fights.

The second MVP was Vibe, with TK and traited Quake, a very good scrapper and melee support piece for his point value. I feel like we'll be seeing more of this guy in tourneys (maybe with Hammers or the Green Power Battery). Just imagine two of these guys with Willpower with a 100-point fig, like, say DEADPOOL booster Typhoid Mary, doing placement shenanigans by yoyo-ing Typhoid Mary with Telekinesis - one Vibe catapults Mary, Mary does her Charge-BCF combo, then the other Vibe pulls Mary back in - quite annoying!
A pretty decent team, but they need something to round them off, especially against a force with a complement of a resource. Ultimately, I lost to the Wrecking Crew, but it wasn't easy!
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