Team Ragnarok VS Hyperion Prime and a Phoenix Force-emboldened Trick Shot - I won this game fairly quickly and without much stress thanks to Seyfert's Sentinel trait combo'd with Ragnarok's high combat values supported by Harley Quinn's Puddin trait. At any given turn, Ragnarok could attack twice for 5 damage each rolling from 12 attack (with Running Shot and Energy Explosion, and supported by Harley's Perplex and Prob [and his Impervious and Shape Change powers ain't too shabby, too]), which he did to both Hyperion Prime and Trick Shot. It took about five turns to win this game. No resources backing this team.
Hulkbuster VS The Phoenix Force-emboldened Rasputins - a tryout game to see how Hulkbuster handles himself in an actual match, and won this game fairly easily. It took me two turns to realise how strong his Charge+Exploit Weakness combo actually is, with 12 attack and 5 damage that easily goes through a lot of tentpole figs out there. He needs Super Strength, though, and maybe a special Knockback/Force Blast power. All in all an eye-opener for the Charge+Exploit Weakness combo - not the first time I used it (I use this fairly often, especially with Pied Piper's rats [which killed an X-Men teambase a few months ago]) but it's the first time I've used it abusively. It took exactly seven turns to finish this game.
Ragnarok = Seyfert = Scary.