Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Figs in Review: John Constantine and Tim Hunter

I think the figs I'm happiest about from the TRINITY WAR set are these two, John and Tim. Aside from these two being key figs in some of my recent games, my reasons for being happy about them are mainly sentimental, these two being some of my constant companions growing up as an angsty teenager who enjoyed non-superhero comic books - I once had a complete set of the John Ney Reiber and Peter Gross BOOKS OF MAGIC and an almost complete run of HELLBLAZER (my faves being Delano's, Ennis's, Ellis's, and Azzarello's, in that order) back in the day, those two books becoming fundamental on my understanding of the story possibilities of the form (mainly horror and nonD&D fantasy) so I'm very happy that they've been Clixed, and that I have them in my stash. Pity it's their New52 variations, but still.

I think they dialed John well enough, in the sense that his dial alternates between effective magician that plays with synchronicity - he has two Probs, his Outwit-Perplex outwits the opponent's Outwit and Perplex (depending on which you pick) - and conman you shouldn't trust at all - Exploit Weakness for an assured hit. I think they should have traited his two Probs (John has always been lucky that way) and that they should have given him some locomotion trait like Spiral or Shatterstar, and maybe some form of Mind Control and Regen (an Ennis reference). But still, all in all, a pretty good fig.

I think they did a good job with Tim, too, although not as well as they did with John. I like the concept of pushing Tim to turn him into a magus, and I like his early white powers, but they should have turned his magus click into a stopclick, and they should've given him an owl token which he could use a la Fantomex and EVA, and they should've given him the Mystics team sumbol. I love his traited anti-Prob, though, and all this for the cheap cost, that's very very generous already.

As for the sculpts, I think they're both great. Again, Tim lacks Yoyo, his owl, but the books are a great detail. These two make me wish they'd make Clix on PREACHER and V FOR VENDETTA.

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