Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Team-ups to consider, #12

I've actually used the Power Packs Adult Supervision team early last year, and it performed pretty well, all things considered. I won't be winning any games, but it'll definitely be fun playing with them.

The Thunderbolts team was a happy accident where I set out to build a Pro-Registration team for the CIVIL WAR tourney I'm hosting this Sunday, just in case there's a bye - I plan to play with the bye player just so he can get his money's worth of action, even when it's already an auto-win. It was a happy accident because I was just randomly fitting figs in for their points, centered around Taskmaster, using characters I know appeared in CIVIL WAR, and I had no idea that Deadpool, Taskmaster, and Bullseye all played significant parts on each other's storylines. I'll be building an Anti-Registration team soon! Centered around Captain America.

Team-ups to consider, #11

An oblique tentpole team centered on a domino system: Recorder #451 declares Harley as his Engineered fig for +1 on her Range and Speed; Harley declares Abin Sur as her Puddin'; Lex Luthor KO's Abin Sur with his special trait for Willpower. Abin Sur, upon his death, boosts all of Harley's stats +2 via the Puddin' trait and Abin Sur's Passing the Power trait. All that in the beginning of my first turn. Harley and Recorder #451 will then proceed to attack the opponent with 12 Attack for 4 Damage and 10 Pulse Wave Attack for 3 Damage (with Enhancement) respectively supported by Alexis. And if Recorder #451 reaches his last click, he can boost Harley a third time, granting her another +1 for all stats, permanent Imperv, Collosal Stamina and Great Size, and the Power Cosmic TA.

It'll be so funny if I pull this off.

Team-ups to consider, #10

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Retiring Tiamat

After three fights where Tiamat basically devastated teams within ten minutes with a potential fifteen to seventeen damage in one turn (and an additional five with Mole Man's Mind Control), I must say it's the most abusive fig I have used without any tactics, so he needs retiring, or maybe at least a vacation until the next Nationals. Good grief what a fig.